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    TOPPRODUCTSExplore Alpine Adventure


    Explore Alpine Adventure

    Breathtaking Nature. Positive Change your own mind.


    Revive Your Spirit Through Outdoor Adventures

    Embark on an exclusive journey to discover Japan’s pristine beauty,where the harmony of nature, culture, and lifestyle unfolds within the breathtaking Chubusangaku National Park. This extraordinary experience celebrates the timeless blessings of the rustic regions of Matsumoto and Takayama, offering a refined escape into the heart of Japan’s alpine splendor.

    Breathtaking Nature, Positive Change for Your Mind

    The essence of inclusivity in Matsumoto and Takayama lies in their rich history and cultural traditions of coexisting harmoniously with nature. This deep connection to the natural world has shaped a culture that not only cherishes its own values and traditions but also welcomes and embraces diverse cultures and perspectives. This peaceful coexistence has greatly enriched both cities, fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

    Tour Summary

    Day 1 :
             Seeing NatureUnderstanding Nature


    Day 2 :
             Enjoying NatureEntering Nature

    3 :
            Nature Connected to Culture and History

    木のアイコン Tour Dates and Programs

    Model  Itinerary

    DAY 1
    9:38    Meet at Matsumoto St.
    11:20   Kamikochi Taisho Pond
    12:00  Lunch at Kappabashi Bridge
    13:00  Guided tour to Myojin Pond(Including a visit and prayer at Hotaka Shrine)
    16:00  Depart from Kamikochi (by taxi)
    17:00  Stay overnight at Okuhida Onsen

    Day 2
    9:00   Depart from Okuhida Onsen (by taxi)
    10:00  Exclusive river activities at Soredanii
    10:00  Premium 1-Day hiking on the Dakesawa route
    16:30   Stay overnight at Okuhida Onsen

    Day  3
    9:30    Depart from Okuhida Onsen (by taxi)
    10:00  Guided electric assist mountain bike (E-MTB) tour in Nyukawa
    14:00   Takayama St.
    Free Time

    • Pricing and Budget

      This tour starts at approximately $1,980 per person three days.

      (based on 2 people booking the tour)

      Select elements of these itineraries can be adjusted to suit your travel preferences:

      Pricing can also vary based on availability and seasonality.

      All itineraries and price quotes are uniquely tailored to our guests, so the only exact price will be the one you receive on your personalized quotation.

    • Items included in the price of the model tour

      ・Accommodation fee (2 nights, 4 meals) ・Meal fee (for 3 days)

      ・Vehicle fee (for 3 days) ・Guide fee (for 3 days)

      ・Activity experience fee (for 3 days)

    • ツアー催行期間

      (JP) 4月中旬~11月中旬


    • 旅行条件

      (JP) 清算日:14日前



      最大受付人数 : 6名

    木のアイコン Accommodation

    Your stay in this alpine haven promises a luxurious experience, where nature surrounds you and you feel harmoniously connected to its beauty, as if becoming one with the natural world.



    (JP) 広大な敷地にわずか12室しかないこの隠れ家には、プライバシーに配慮した2タイプの客室があります。どのお部屋にも露天風呂と檜の内風呂があり、静かで贅沢な滞在をお約束します。



    (JP) 1.3ヘクタールの広大な敷地に建つこの隠れ家は、歴史的な母屋を囲むように個々の別荘風の宿泊施設が配置され、魅力的な山間の集落をイメージして設計されています。母屋は、農家から移築された築150年の見事な邸宅で、伝統的な囲炉裏と素朴な優雅さが奥飛騨の時代を超えた魅力を体現しています。

    Transportation : Private Taxi


    (JP) プライベートタクシー

    We provide a wide range of premium options, offering exceptional comfort and private space tailored to your needs.

    ​Sample Lineup :

    ALPHARD Executive Lounge

    ALPHARD 240X

    Mercedes-Benz V-Class 220d

    HIACE Fine Tech Tourer

    LEXUS ES 330h

    CROWN Hybrid

    HIACE Dynamic Stripes