Terms of Use / Privacy Policy

<Business Owner Information>

General Incorporated Association Matsumoto Alps Mountain Township 209-1 Azumi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture Matsumoto Alps Mountain Township Chairman: Motoki Saito

<Definition of Personal Information>

Personal information as defined on this website refers to "personal information" as defined in the Personal Information Protection Law, and includes information about living individuals that can identify specific individuals by name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, and other descriptions, as well as data related to appearance, fingerprints, voiceprints, and health insurance card insurance holder numbers. Information that can identify a specific individual from such information alone, such as the insurer number on an insurance card (personal identification information), and online identifiers (IP address, cookie information).

<How we obtain your data>

This website obtains information in the following ways

(1) Provision by users
If you contact us through the request form or inquiry form, you will be asked to provide information to the Corporation.

(2) Use of Cookies
Cookies are pieces of information that are stored directly on your computer. Cookies allow us to collect information such as your browser type, time spent on the Site, pages viewed, and language preference. We use this information for security purposes, to assist with navigation, to display information more effectively, and to customize your experience on our site. We also use cookies to recognize your computer or device and to simplify your use of the Site, for example, to remember what is in your shopping cart. In addition, we use cookies to collect statistical information about the use of the Site to help us continually improve the design and functionality of the Site, to better understand individual usage, and to answer questions about it. Cookies also allow us to select advertisements or offers that may be of interest to you and to display them to you while you are on the Site. We may also use cookies for online advertising to track consumer response to our advertisements. Users may refuse the use of these cookies by following the instructions of the browser they use. However, disabling cookies may cause inconvenience to the use of the Site. In addition, you may not receive advertisements or other offers that are relevant to your interests and needs.

(3) use of pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs or other similar technologies.
These are used in connection with certain pages of the Site and HTML-formatted email messages to, among other things, track the behavior of Users and email recipients, measure the success of the Corporation's marketing campaigns, and compile statistics on Site usage and response rates. Online Behavioral Advertising: Through the use of cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs or other similar technologies, when you visit this Site or other websites or web properties on the Internet, our third party vendors may use our products and services when you visit this Site or other websites or web properties on the Internet. These vendors may place pixel tags, web beacons, clear gifs, or other similar technologies on the Site or other websites or web properties, and may place and recognize third party cookies when you visit the Site or other websites or web properties, recognition when you visit the Site or other websites or web properties. These vendors may use information about your visits to the Site or other websites or web properties to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you.

(4) IP address
An IP address is a number automatically assigned by your Internet service provider to your computer. The collection of IP addresses is standard practice on the Internet, and many websites do it automatically. We use IP addresses to calculate the frequency of use of our site, to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our site.

(5)Device information
We may also collect information about your mobile device, such as a unique device identifier.

<How We Use Your Data>

We may use your data in the following ways:
Accept and process requests for experience services
Measuring and improving advertising effectiveness
Delivery of behaviorally targeted advertising
Market analysis and marketing
Analogies of demographic information such as gender
Monitoring of fraudulent activities
Control of ad viewing frequency
Provision of information about our services and areas
Invitations to seminars, events, and exhibitions
Execution of contracts (including support of our services)
To respond to business negotiations and inquiries
Recruitment activities of the Corporation (limited to cases where the applicant has voluntarily applied for employment with the Corporation, whether directly or indirectly)
Purposes incidental to the above purposes of use

<How We Manage Your Data>

We take reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures to protect the personal information under our control. However, no data transmission or data storage system over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your communications with us are no longer secure (for example, if you believe that the security of your account with us has been compromised), you should notify us immediately of the problem by contacting us.

<Joint Use of Your Data>

We may outsource the handling of personal information. When entrusting the handling of personal information to a third party, we will select an appropriate entrustee, sign a contract with the entrustee regarding the protection of personal information, and exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the entrustee to ensure that the entrustee manages personal information safely.

<When We Show Your Data to a Third Party>

We will not provide your personal information to third parties, except in the following cases, with your consent or in accordance with laws and regulations.
(1) When we have obtained your consent to provide the information.
(2) When the information is provided to a subcontractor to the extent necessary for the performance of the Organization's business.

<How we Respond to Your Request for Data Disclosure>

When we receive a request for disclosure of personal information from you, we will disclose the information to you without delay. However, if the disclosure falls under any of the following cases, we may not disclose all or part of the information, and if we decide not to disclose the information, we will notify you to that effect without delay.
When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the individual concerned or a third party.
If there is a risk of causing significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business
When there is a risk of violating other laws and regulations
In principle, the Corporation will not disclose non-personal information, such as historical information and characteristic information.

<Sensitive Personal information>

You will not provide or disclose to the Corporation, on or through the Site or otherwise, any sensitive or sensitive personal information (e.g., information regarding race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or other beliefs, health, criminal history, or criminal victimization) unless specifically requested or required by the Corporation. The Corporation shall not provide or disclose sensitive personal information. In addition, the Corporation will obtain the user's express consent when requesting or requesting the provision of sensitive personal information.

<Changes to Privacy Policy>

Based on the opinions of users, the Corporation's Privacy Policy, etc. may be changed in order to protect the personal information obtained or to comply with amendments to laws, regulations, and other norms. Any changes will be posted on our website and publicly announced. Changes to the Corporation's Privacy Policy, etc. will become effective when the revised Privacy Policy, etc. is posted on this website. By providing us with your personal information or using our website after such changes have been made, you will be deemed to have accepted the revised Privacy Policy.

<About the system>

Scope of joint users
(1) General Incorporated Association Matsumoto City Alps Mountain Township
(2) Collaborating companies
JTB Corporation and its affiliated companies
Meitetsu Kanko Service Inc. and its affiliated companies

<Confidentiality, Security, and Availability of Systems Handling Personal Data >

In order to prevent unauthorized access to personal data and its destruction, falsification, and leakage, we implement strict security control measures for personal data, including thorough computer virus countermeasures using virus check programs on the computers used. We will strive to maintain the availability and recoverability of personal information in the event of a physical or technical incident.
In addition, we will establish and operate organizations, systems, and internal rules for the safe management of personal data, and continuously review our management systems in response to changes in the information security environment and revisions to laws and regulations regarding the safe management of personal data.

<Process for testing, evaluating, and rating technical and organizational measures to ensure safety.>

We will establish a department responsible for the handling of personal information and a department responsible for system management, and appoint an officer of each as the person in charge of management, in order to implement safe management of personal data.

<Responsibility of Incident Reporting>

In the event of a data breach, we will endeavor to notify the supervisory authority and the user within 72 hours of becoming aware of the problem. We will endeavor to promptly notify the supervisory authority of a description and volume of data that has been compromised, as well as the possible consequences of the breach.

<Retention Period>

We will keep your personal information for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes of use described in our Privacy Policy and other relevant documents.
We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, except where longer retention periods are required or permitted by law, or where we are otherwise required or permitted to fulfill our legal obligations. We will also take steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal data when it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected.

<Right of the Data Subject>

We accept notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, suspension of provision to third parties, and disclosure of records of provision to third parties ("disclosure, etc.") of your personal information. The Company accepts the following: If you request correction, addition, or suspension of the use of your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations, we will conduct the necessary investigation after confirming that you are the owner of such data, and based on the results, we will correct, add, or suspend use of the personal information (except for cases in which we may refuse to do so under laws and regulations). (However, this does not apply to cases in which the Corporation is legally obliged to refuse the request.) In addition, if you request deletion of your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations, and we deem it necessary to comply with the request, we will delete the personal information after confirming you are the owner of the data (except for cases in which we are legally obliged to refuse the request). Requests for disclosure, etc. are accepted at the "Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Desk" below. Please also contact the "Personal Information Complaints and Inquiries Desk" if you wish to object to the processing of your personal information.

<Data Portability>

You have a right to request a copy of your data. Please send an inquiry to the Personal Information Complaints and Inquiries Desk.

<Right to Withdraw Your Consent>

You may withdraw your consent at any time. However, the legality of the processing of personal information based on the consent prior to withdrawal will not be affected by the withdrawal of consent.

<Right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority>

If you are dissatisfied with our response to your request, or if you have a complaint about the way we process your personal data, you may file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority.

<Personal Information Complaints and Inquiries Desk>

Address: 209-1 Azumi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture
Company Name: Matsumoto Alps Mountain Township
Department in Charge: Personal Information Inquiry Desk (Secretariat)
Email Address:
Matsumoto Alps Mountain Township Chairman: Motoki Saito

Revision December 1, 2023